Class Augmentation¶
Defined in File augmentation.hpp
Class Documentation¶
class mlpack::models::Augmentation¶
Augmentation class used to perform augmentations by transforming the data. For the list of supported augmentation, take a look at our wiki page.
Augmentation augmentation({"horizontal-flip", "resize = (224, 224)"}, 0.2); augmentation.Transform(dataloader.TrainFeatures);
Public Functions
inline Augmentation()¶
Create the augmentation class object.
inline Augmentation(const std::vector<std::string> &augmentations, const double augmentationProbability)¶
Constructor for augmentation class.
- Parameters
augmentations – List of strings containing one of the supported augmentations.
augmentationProbability – Probability of applying augmentation on the dataset. NOTE : This doesn’t apply to augmentations such as resize.
template<typename DatasetType>
void Transform(DatasetType &dataset, const size_t datapointWidth, const size_t datapointHeight, const size_t datapointDepth = 1)¶ Applies augmentation to the passed dataset.
- Template Parameters
DatasetType – Datatype on which augmentation will be done.
- Parameters
dataset – Dataset on which augmentation will be applied.
datapointWidth – Width of a single data point i.e. Since each column represents a seperate data point.
datapointHeight – Height of a single data point.
datapointDepth – Depth of a single data point. For one 2-dimensional data point, set it to 1. Defaults to 1.
template<typename DatasetType>
void ResizeTransform(DatasetType &dataset, const size_t datapointWidth, const size_t datapointHeight, const size_t datapointDepth, const std::string &augmentation)¶ Applies resize transform to the entire dataset.
- Template Parameters
DatasetType – Datatype on which augmentation will be done.
- Parameters
dataset – Dataset on which augmentation will be applied.
datapointWidth – Width of a single data point i.e. Since each column represents a seperate data point.
datapointHeight – Height of a single data point.
datapointDepth – Depth of a single data point. For one 2-dimensional data point, set it to 1. Defaults to 1.
augmentation – String containing the transform.
inline Augmentation()¶