Program Listing for File yolo.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/jenkins/docs/models/models/yolo/yolo.hpp)

 author = {Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi},
 title = {You Only Look Once : Unified, Real-Time Object Detection},
 year = {2016},
 url = {}


#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/ffn.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer_types.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/random_init.hpp>

namespace mlpack {
namespace models {

  typename OutputLayerType = ann::NegativeLogLikelihood<>,
  typename InitializationRuleType = ann::RandomInitialization
class YOLO

  YOLO(const size_t inputChannel,
       const size_t inputWidth,
       const size_t inputHeight,
       const std::string yoloVersion = "v1-tiny",
       const size_t numClasses = 20,
       const size_t numBoxes = 2,
       const size_t featureSizeWidth = 7,
       const size_t featureSizeHeight = 7,
       const std::string& weights = "none",
       const bool includeTop = true);

  YOLO(const std::tuple<size_t, size_t, size_t> inputShape,
       const std::string yoloVersion = "v1-tiny",
       const size_t numClasses = 1000,
       const size_t numBoxes = 2,
       const std::tuple<size_t, size_t> featureShape = {7, 7},
       const std::string& weights = "none",
       const bool includeTop = true);

  ann::FFN<OutputLayerType, InitializationRuleType>& GetModel() { return yolo; }

  void LoadModel(const std::string& filePath);

  void SaveModel(const std::string& filePath);

  template<typename SequentialType = ann::Sequential<>>
  void ConvolutionBlock(const size_t inSize,
                        const size_t outSize,
                        const size_t kernelWidth,
                        const size_t kernelHeight,
                        const size_t strideWidth = 1,
                        const size_t strideHeight = 1,
                        const size_t padW = 0,
                        const size_t padH = 0,
                        const bool batchNorm = false,
                        SequentialType* baseLayer = NULL)
    ann::Sequential<>* bottleNeck = new ann::Sequential<>();
    bottleNeck->Add(new ann::Convolution<>(inSize, outSize, kernelWidth,
        kernelHeight, strideWidth, strideHeight, padW, padH, inputWidth,

    mlpack::Log::Info << "Conv Layer.  ";
    mlpack::Log::Info << "(" << inputWidth << ", " << inputHeight <<
        ", " << inSize << ") ----> ";

    inputWidth = ConvOutSize(inputWidth, kernelWidth, strideWidth, padW);
    inputHeight = ConvOutSize(inputHeight, kernelHeight, strideHeight, padH);
    mlpack::Log::Info << "(" << inputWidth << ", " << inputHeight <<
        ", " << outSize << ")" << std::endl;

    if (batchNorm)
      bottleNeck->Add(new ann::BatchNorm<>(outSize, 1e-8, false));

    bottleNeck->Add(new ann::LeakyReLU<>(0.01));

    if (baseLayer != NULL)

  void PoolingBlock(const size_t factor = 2,
                    const std::string type = "max")
    if (type == "max")
      yolo.Add(new ann::AdaptiveMaxPooling<>(
          std::ceil(inputWidth * 1.0 / factor),
          std::ceil(inputHeight * 1.0 / factor)));
      yolo.Add(new ann::AdaptiveMeanPooling<>(std::ceil(inputWidth * 1.0 /
          factor), std::ceil(inputHeight * 1.0 / factor)));

    mlpack::Log::Info << "Pooling Layer.  ";
    mlpack::Log::Info << "(" << inputWidth << ", " << inputHeight <<
        ") ----> ";
    // Update inputWidth and inputHeight.
    inputWidth = std::ceil(inputWidth * 1.0 / factor);
    inputHeight = std::ceil(inputHeight * 1.0 / factor);

    mlpack::Log::Info << "(" << inputWidth << ", " << inputHeight <<
        ")" << std::endl;

  size_t ConvOutSize(const size_t size,
                     const size_t k,
                     const size_t s,
                     const size_t padding)
    return std::floor(size + 2 * padding - k) / s + 1;

  ann::FFN<OutputLayerType, InitializationRuleType> yolo;

  size_t inputChannel;

  size_t inputWidth;

  size_t inputHeight;

  size_t numClasses;

  size_t numBoxes;

  size_t featureWidth;

  size_t featureHeight;

  std::string weights;

  std::string yoloVersion;
}; // YOLO class.

} // namespace models
} // namespace mlpack

# include "yolo_impl.hpp"
