Program Listing for File preprocessor.hpp¶
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#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>
namespace mlpack {
namespace models {
typename DatasetX = arma::mat,
typename DatasetY = arma::mat
class PreProcessor
static void MNIST(DatasetX& /* trainX */,
DatasetY& trainY,
DatasetY& /* validX */,
DatasetY& validY,
DatasetX& /* testX */)
trainY = trainY + 1;
validY = validY + 1;
static void PascalVOC(DatasetX& /* trainX */,
DatasetY& /* trainY */,
DatasetY& /* validX */,
DatasetY& /* validY */,
DatasetX& /* testX */)
// Nothing to do here. Added to match the rest of the codebase.
static void CIFAR10(DatasetX & /* trainX */,
DatasetY & /* trainY */,
DatasetY & /* validX */,
DatasetY & /* validY */,
DatasetX & /* testX */)
// Nothing to do here. Added to match the rest of the codebase.
static void ChannelFirstImages(DatasetX& trainFeatures,
const size_t imageWidth,
const size_t imageHeight,
const size_t imageDepth,
bool normalize = true)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < trainFeatures.n_cols; idx++)
// Create a copy of the current image so that the image isn't affected.
arma::cube inputTemp(trainFeatures.col(idx).memptr(), 3, 224, 224);
size_t currentOffset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputTemp.n_slices; i++)
trainFeatures.col(idx)(arma::span(currentOffset, currentOffset +
inputTemp.slice(i).n_elem - 1), arma::span()) =
currentOffset += inputTemp.slice(i).n_elem;
if (normalize)
// Convert each element to uint8 first and then divide by 255.
for (size_t i = 0; i < trainFeatures.n_elem; i++)
trainFeatures(i) = ((uint8_t)(trainFeatures(i)) / 255.0);
template<typename eT>
static void YOLOPreProcessor(const DatasetY& annotations,
arma::Mat<eT>& output,
const size_t version = 1,
const size_t imageWidth = 224,
const size_t imageHeight = 224,
const size_t gridWidth = 7,
const size_t gridHeight = 7,
const size_t numBoxes = 2,
const size_t numClasses = 20,
const bool normalize = true)
// See if we can change this to v4 / v5.
mlpack::Log::Assert(version >= 1 && version <= 3, "Supported YOLO versions \
are version 1 to version 3.");
mlpack::Log::Assert(typeid(annotations) == typeid(arma::field<arma::vec>),
"Use Field type to represent annotations.");
size_t batchSize = annotations.n_cols;
size_t numPredictions = 5 * numBoxes + numClasses;
if (version > 1)
// Each bounding boxes has a corresponding class.
numPredictions = numBoxes * (5 + numClasses);
double cellSizeHeight = (double) 1.0 / gridHeight;
double cellSizeWidth = (double) 1.0 / gridWidth;
// Set size of output and use cubes convenience.
output.set_size(gridWidth * gridHeight * numPredictions, batchSize);
// Use offset to create a cube for a particular column / batch.
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t boxIdx = 0; boxIdx < batchSize; boxIdx++)
arma::cube outputTemp(const_cast<arma::Mat<eT> &>(output).memptr() +
offset, gridHeight, gridWidth, numPredictions, false, false);
offset += gridWidth * gridHeight * numPredictions;
// Get the bounding box and labels corresponding to current image.
arma::mat labels(1, annotations(0, boxIdx).n_elem / 5);
arma::mat boundingBoxes(4, annotations(0, boxIdx).n_elem / 5);
for (size_t i = 0; i < boundingBoxes.n_cols; i++)
labels.col(i)(0) = annotations(0, boxIdx)(i * 5);
boundingBoxes.col(i) = annotations(0, boxIdx)(arma::span(i * 5 + 1,
(i + 1) * 5 - 1));
// For YOLOv2 or higher, each bounding box can represent a class
// so we don't repeat labels as done for YOLOv1. We will use map
// to store last inserted bounding box.
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, size_t> boundingBoxOffset;
// Normalize the coordinates.
boundingBoxes.row(0) /= imageWidth;
boundingBoxes.row(2) /= imageWidth;
boundingBoxes.row(1) /= imageHeight;
boundingBoxes.row(3) /= imageHeight;
// Get width and height as well as centres for the bounding box.
arma::mat widthAndHeight(2, boundingBoxes.n_cols);
widthAndHeight.row(0) = (boundingBoxes.row(2) - boundingBoxes.row(0));
widthAndHeight.row(1) = (boundingBoxes.row(3) - boundingBoxes.row(1));
arma::mat centres(2, boundingBoxes.n_cols);
centres.row(0) = (boundingBoxes.row(2) + boundingBoxes.row(0)) / 2.0;
centres.row(1) = (boundingBoxes.row(3) + boundingBoxes.row(1)) / 2.0;
// Assign bounding boxes to the grid.
for (size_t i = 0; i < boundingBoxes.n_cols; i++)
// Index for representing bounding box on grid.
arma::vec gridCoordinates = centres.col(i);
arma::vec centreCoordinates = centres.col(i);
if (normalize)
gridCoordinates(0) = std::ceil(gridCoordinates(0) /
cellSizeWidth) - 1;
gridCoordinates(1) = std::ceil(gridCoordinates(1) /
cellSizeHeight) - 1;
gridCoordinates(0) = std::ceil((gridCoordinates(0) /
imageWidth) / cellSizeWidth) - 1;
gridCoordinates(1) = std::ceil((gridCoordinates(1) /
imageHeight) / cellSizeHeight) - 1;
size_t gridX = gridCoordinates(0);
size_t gridY = gridCoordinates(1);
gridCoordinates(0) = gridCoordinates(0) * cellSizeWidth;
gridCoordinates(1) = gridCoordinates(1) * cellSizeHeight;
// Normalize to 1.0.
gridCoordinates = centres.col(i) - gridCoordinates;
gridCoordinates(0) /= cellSizeWidth;
gridCoordinates(1) /= cellSizeHeight;
if (normalize)
centreCoordinates = gridCoordinates;
if (version == 1)
// Fill elements in the grid.
for (size_t k = 0; k < numBoxes; k++)
size_t s = 5 * k;
outputTemp(arma::span(gridX), arma::span(gridY),
arma::span(s, s + 1)) = centreCoordinates;
outputTemp(arma::span(gridX), arma::span(gridY),
arma::span(s + 2, s + 3)) = widthAndHeight.col(i);
outputTemp(gridX, gridY, s + 4) = 1.0;
outputTemp(gridX, gridY, 5 * numBoxes + labels.col(i)(0)) = 1;
size_t s = 0;
if (boundingBoxOffset.count({gridX, gridY}))
s = boundingBoxOffset[{gridX, gridY}] + 1;
boundingBoxOffset[{gridX, gridY}]++;
boundingBoxOffset.insert({{gridX, gridY}, s});
if (s > numBoxes)
size_t bBoxOffset = (5 + numClasses) * s;
outputTemp(arma::span(gridX), arma::span(gridY),
arma::span(bBoxOffset, bBoxOffset + 1)) = centreCoordinates;
outputTemp(arma::span(gridX), arma::span(gridY),
arma::span(bBoxOffset + 2,
bBoxOffset + 3)) = widthAndHeight.col(i);
outputTemp(gridX, gridY, bBoxOffset + 4) = 1.0;
outputTemp(gridX, gridY, bBoxOffset + 5 + labels.col(i)(0)) = 1;
} // namespace models
} // namespace mlpack