Program Listing for File dataloader_impl.hpp¶
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#include "dataloader.hpp"
using namespace mlpack;
namespace mlpack {
namespace models {
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
// Nothing to do here.
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
>::DataLoader(const std::string& dataset,
const bool shuffle,
const double validRatio,
const bool useScaler,
const std::vector<std::string> augmentation,
const double augmentationProbability)
if (datasetMap.count(dataset))
// Use utility functions to download the dataset.
if (datasetMap[dataset].datasetType == "csv")
LoadCSV(datasetMap[dataset].trainPath, true, shuffle, validRatio,
useScaler, datasetMap[dataset].startTrainingInputFeatures,
LoadCSV(datasetMap[dataset].testPath, false, false, validRatio, useScaler,
else if (datasetMap[dataset].datasetType == "image-detection")
std::vector<std::string> augmentations = augmentation;
// If user doesn't set size for images, set size of images to {64, 64}.
if (augmentations.size() == 0)
mlpack::Log::Warn << "Images will be resized to {64, 64}." <<
"To resize image, pass augmentation argument with" <<
"resize parameter. For more information refer to the " <<
"dataloader and augmentation tutorial." << std::endl;
augmentations.push_back("resize = {64, 64}");
datasetMap[dataset].trainingImagesPath, datasetMap[dataset].classes,
validRatio, shuffle, augmentations, augmentationProbability);
// Load testing data if any. Most object detection dataset
// have private evaluation servers.
if (datasetMap[dataset].testingImagesPath.length() > 0)
testFeatures, testLabels, datasetMap[dataset].imageWidth,
datasetMap[dataset].imageHeight, datasetMap[dataset].imageDepth);
else if (datasetMap[dataset].datasetType == "image-classification")
datasetMap[dataset].imageWidth, datasetMap[dataset].imageHeight,
datasetMap[dataset].imageDepth, true, validRatio, shuffle,
augmentation, augmentationProbability);
if (datasetMap[dataset].testingImagesPath.length() > 0)
testFeatures, testLabels, datasetMap[dataset].imageWidth,
datasetMap[dataset].imageHeight, datasetMap[dataset].imageDepth);
// Preprocess the dataset.
datasetMap[dataset].PreProcess(trainFeatures, trainLabels,
validFeatures, validLabels, testFeatures);
mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Unknown Dataset. " << dataset <<
" For other datasets try loading data using" <<
" generic dataloader functions such as LoadCSV." <<
" Refer to the documentation for more info." << std::endl;
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
> void DataLoader<
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
>::LoadCSV(const std::string& datasetPath,
const bool loadTrainData,
const bool shuffle,
const double validRatio,
const bool useScaler,
const int startInputFeatures,
const int endInputFeatures,
const int startPredictionFeatures,
const int endPredictionFeatures,
const std::vector<std::string> augmentation,
const double augmentationProbability)
arma::mat dataset;
data::Load(datasetPath, dataset, true);
if (loadTrainData)
arma::mat trainDataset, validDataset;
data::Split(dataset, trainDataset, validDataset, validRatio, shuffle);
trainFeatures = trainDataset.rows(WrapIndex(startInputFeatures,
trainDataset.n_rows), WrapIndex(endInputFeatures,
trainLabels = trainDataset.rows(WrapIndex(startPredictionFeatures,
trainDataset.n_rows), WrapIndex(endPredictionFeatures,
validFeatures = validDataset.rows(WrapIndex(startInputFeatures,
validDataset.n_rows), WrapIndex(endInputFeatures,
validLabels = validDataset.rows(WrapIndex(startPredictionFeatures,
validDataset.n_rows), WrapIndex(endPredictionFeatures,
if (useScaler)
scaler.Transform(trainFeatures, trainFeatures);
scaler.Transform(validFeatures, validFeatures);
Augmentation augmentations(augmentation, augmentationProbability);
augmentations.Transform(trainFeatures, 1, dataset.n_rows, 1);
mlpack::Log::Info << "Training Dataset Loaded." << std::endl;
if (useScaler)
scaler.Transform(dataset, dataset);
testFeatures = dataset.rows(WrapIndex(startInputFeatures, dataset.n_rows),
WrapIndex(endInputFeatures, dataset.n_rows));
mlpack::Log::Info << "Testing Dataset Loaded." << std::endl;
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
> void DataLoader<
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
>::LoadObjectDetectionDataset(const std::string& pathToAnnotations,
const std::string& pathToImages,
const std::vector<std::string>& classes,
const double validRatio,
const bool shuffle,
const std::vector<std::string>& augmentations,
const double augmentationProbability,
const bool absolutePath,
const std::string& baseXMLTag,
const std::string& imageNameXMLTag,
const std::string& sizeXMLTag,
const std::string& objectXMLTag,
const std::string& bndboxXMLTag,
const std::string& classNameXMLTag,
const std::string& x1XMLTag,
const std::string& y1XMLTag,
const std::string& x2XMLTag,
const std::string& y2XMLTag)
Augmentation augmentation(augmentations, augmentationProbability);
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> annotationsDirectory;
DatasetX dataset;
std::deque<arma::vec> labels;
// Fill the directory.
Utils::ListDir(pathToAnnotations, annotationsDirectory, absolutePath);
// Create a map for labels and corresponding class name.
// This provides faster access to class labels.
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> classMap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++)
classMap.insert(std::make_pair(classes[i], i));
// Map to insert values in a column vector.
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> indexMap;
indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(classNameXMLTag, 0));
indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(x1XMLTag, 1));
indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(y1XMLTag, 2));
indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(x2XMLTag, 3));
indexMap.insert(std::make_pair(y2XMLTag, 4));
// Keep track of files loaded.
size_t totalFiles = annotationsDirectory.size(), loadedFiles = 0;
size_t imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0, imageDepth = 0;
// Read the XML file.
for (boost::filesystem::path annotationFile : annotationsDirectory)
if (annotationFile.string().length() <= 3 ||
annotationFile.string().length() - 3) != "xml")
Log::Info << "Files Loaded : " << loadedFiles << " out of " <<
totalFiles << "\r" << std::endl;
// Read the XML file.
boost::property_tree::ptree xmlFile;
boost::property_tree::read_xml(annotationFile.string(), xmlFile);
// Get annotation from XML file.
boost::property_tree::ptree annotation = xmlFile.get_child(baseXMLTag);
// Read properties inside annotation file.
// Get image name.
std::string imgName = annotation.get_child(imageNameXMLTag).data();
// If image doesn't exist then skip the current XML file.
if (!Utils::PathExists(pathToImages + imgName, absolutePath))
mlpack::Log::Warn << "Image not found! Tried finding " <<
pathToImages + imgName << std::endl;
// Get the size of image to create image info required
// by mlpack::data::Load function.
boost::property_tree::ptree sizeInfo = annotation.get_child(sizeXMLTag);
imageWidth = std::stoi(sizeInfo.get_child("width").data());
imageHeight = std::stoi(sizeInfo.get_child("height").data());
imageDepth = std::stoi(sizeInfo.get_child("depth").data());
mlpack::data::ImageInfo imageInfo(imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth);
// Load the image.
// The image loaded here will be in column format i.e. Output will
// be matrix with the following shape {1, cols * rows * slices} in
// column major format.
DatasetX image;
mlpack::data::Load(pathToImages + imgName, image, imageInfo);
double horizontalScale = 1.0, verticalScale = 1.0;
if (augmentation.HasResizeParam())
augmentation.ResizeTransform(image, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth,
size_t outputWidth = 0, outputHeight = 0;
augmentation.GetResizeParam(outputWidth, outputHeight,
horizontalScale = 1.0 * outputWidth / imageWidth;
verticalScale = 1.0 * outputHeight / imageHeight;
imageWidth = outputWidth;
imageHeight = outputHeight;
// Iterate over all object in annotation.
arma::vec boundingBoxes;
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& object,
arma::vec predictions(5);
// Iterate over property of the object to get class label and
// bounding box coordinates.
if (object.first == objectXMLTag)
if (classMap.count(object.second.get_child(classNameXMLTag).data()))
predictions(indexMap[classNameXMLTag]) = classMap[
boost::property_tree::ptree const &boundingBox =
const& coordinate, boundingBox)
if (indexMap.count(coordinate.first))
predictions(indexMap[coordinate.first]) =
// Scale predictions.
predictions(indexMap[x1XMLTag]) = std::floor(
predictions(indexMap[x1XMLTag]) * horizontalScale);
predictions(indexMap[x2XMLTag]) = std::floor(
predictions(indexMap[x2XMLTag]) * horizontalScale);
predictions(indexMap[y1XMLTag]) = std::floor(
predictions(indexMap[y1XMLTag]) * verticalScale);
predictions(indexMap[y2XMLTag]) = std::floor(
predictions(indexMap[y2XMLTag]) * verticalScale);
boundingBoxes.insert_rows(0, predictions);
// Add object to training set.
dataset.insert_cols(0, image);
TrainTestSplit(dataset, labels, this->trainFeatures, this->trainLabels,
this->validFeatures, this->validLabels, validRatio, shuffle);
// Augment the training data.
augmentation.Transform(this->trainFeatures, imageWidth, imageHeight,
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
> void DataLoader<
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
>::LoadAllImagesFromDirectory(const std::string& imagesPath,
DatasetX& dataset,
DatasetY& labels,
const size_t imageWidth,
const size_t imageHeight,
const size_t imageDepth,
const size_t label)
// Get all files in given directory.
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> imagesDirectory;
Utils::ListDir(imagesPath, imagesDirectory);
std::set<std::string> supportedExtentions = {".jpg", ".png", ".tga",
".bmp", ".psd", ".gif", ".hdr", ".pic", ".pnm"};
// We use to endls here as one of them will be replaced by print
// command below.
mlpack::Log::Info << "Found " << imagesDirectory.size() << " belonging to " <<
label << " class." << std::endl << std::endl;
size_t loadedImages = 0;
for (boost::filesystem::path imageName : imagesDirectory)
if (imageName.string().length() <= 3 ||
!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(imageName) ||
mlpack::data::ImageInfo imageInfo(imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth);
// Load the image.
// The image loaded here will be in column format i.e. Output will
// be matrix with the following shape {1, cols * rows * slices} in
// column major format.
DatasetX image;
mlpack::data::Load(imageName.string(), image, imageInfo);
// Add object to training set.
if (image.n_rows == dataset.n_rows || dataset.n_elem == 0)
labels.insert_cols(0, arma::vec(1).fill(label));
dataset.insert_cols(0, image);
mlpack::Log::Info << "Loaded " << loadedImages << " out of " <<
imagesDirectory.size() << "\r" << std::endl;
typename DatasetX,
typename DatasetY,
class ScalerType
> void DataLoader<
DatasetX, DatasetY, ScalerType
>::LoadImageDatasetFromDirectory(const std::string& pathToDataset,
const size_t imageWidth,
const size_t imageHeight,
const size_t imageDepth,
const bool trainData,
const double validRatio,
const bool shuffle,
const std::vector<std::string>& augmentation,
const double augmentationProbability)
Augmentation augmentations(augmentation, augmentationProbability);
size_t totalClasses = 0;
std::map<std::string, size_t> classMap;
// Fill classes in the vector.
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> classes;
Utils::ListDir(pathToDataset, classes);
DatasetX dataset;
DatasetY labels;
// Iterate the directory.
for (boost::filesystem::path className : classes)
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(className))
LoadAllImagesFromDirectory(className.string() +
"/", dataset, labels, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth,
classMap[className.string()] = totalClasses;
if (!trainData)
testFeatures = std::move(dataset);
testLabels = std::move(labels);
// Only resize augmentation will be applied on test set.
if (augmentations.HasResizeParam())
augmentations.ResizeTransform(testFeatures, imageWidth, imageHeight,
imageDepth, augmentations.augmentations[0]);
// Train-validation data split.
arma::mat completeDataset = arma::join_cols(dataset, labels);
arma::mat trainingData, validationData;
mlpack::data::Split(completeDataset, trainingData, validationData,
validRatio, shuffle);
trainFeatures = trainingData.rows(0, trainingData.n_rows - 2);
trainLabels = trainingData.rows(trainingData.n_rows - 1,
trainingData.n_rows - 1);
validFeatures = validationData.rows(0, validationData.n_rows - 2);
validLabels = validationData.rows(validationData.n_rows - 1,
validationData.n_rows - 1);
augmentations.Transform(trainFeatures, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth);
augmentations.Transform(validFeatures, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDepth);
mlpack::Log::Info << "Found " << totalClasses << " classes." << std::endl;
// Print class-label mappings for ease.
for (std::pair<std::string, int> classMapping : classMap)
mlpack::Log::Info << classMapping.first << " : " << classMapping.second <<
} // namespace models
} // namespace mlpack