Program Listing for File augmentation.hpp

Return to documentation for file (/home/jenkins/docs/models/augmentation/augmentation.hpp)


#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/bilinear_interpolation.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/util/to_lower.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

namespace mlpack {
namespace models {

class Augmentation
  Augmentation() :
    // Nothing to do here.

  Augmentation(const std::vector<std::string>& augmentations,
               const double augmentationProbability) :
    // Convert strings to lower case.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < augmentations.size(); i++)
      this->augmentations[i] = mlpack::util::ToLower(augmentations[i]);

    // Sort the vector to place resize parameter to the front of the string.
    // This prevents constant lookups for resize.
    sort(this->augmentations.begin(), this->augmentations.end(), [](
        std::string& str1, std::string& str2)
          return str1.find("resize") != std::string::npos;

  template<typename DatasetType>
  void Transform(DatasetType& dataset,
                 const size_t datapointWidth,
                 const size_t datapointHeight,
                 const size_t datapointDepth = 1);

  template<typename DatasetType>
  void ResizeTransform(DatasetType& dataset,
                       const size_t datapointWidth,
                       const size_t datapointHeight,
                       const size_t datapointDepth,
                       const std::string& augmentation);

  bool HasResizeParam(const std::string& augmentation = "")
    if (augmentation.length())
      return augmentation.find("resize") != std::string::npos;

    // Search in augmentation vector.
    return augmentations.size() <= 0 ? false :
        augmentations[0].find("resize") != std::string::npos;

  void GetResizeParam(size_t& outWidth,
                      size_t& outHeight,
                      const std::string& augmentation)
    if (!HasResizeParam())

    outWidth = 0;
    outHeight = 0;

    // Use regex to find one or two numbers. If only one provided
    // set output width equal to output height.
    boost::regex regex{"[0-9]+"};

    // Create an iterator to find matches.
    boost::sregex_token_iterator matches(augmentation.begin(),
        augmentation.end(), regex, 0), end;

    size_t matchesCount = std::distance(matches, end);

    if (matchesCount == 0)
      mlpack::Log::Fatal << "Invalid size / shape in " <<
          augmentation << std::endl;

    if (matchesCount == 1)
      outWidth = std::stoi(*matches);
      outHeight = outWidth;
      outWidth = std::stoi(*matches);
      outHeight = std::stoi(*matches);

  std::vector<std::string> augmentations;

  double augmentationProbability;

  // The dataloader class should have access to internal functions of
  // the augmentation class.
  template<typename DatasetX, typename DatasetY, class ScalerType>
  friend class DataLoader;

} // namespace models
} // namespace mlpack

#include "augmentation_impl.hpp" // Include implementation.
